Quick And Easy Vacation Hair
You start packing for vacation, start getting all of your stuff ready such as your blow dryer, curling iron, flat iron. Then you get your styling cream, anti-humidity cream, shampoo, conditioner, pool shampoo, and conditioner, leave-in conditioner.
Don't forget your hairbrush, comb, clips, ponytails, and headbands. That's a lot of stuff to pack and to bring on vacation. This isn't relaxing or stress-free. You are on vacation when you're supposed to be relaxing. How many of you have been there?
You arrive on vacation ready to go. You unpack, set up your bathroom, And head to the pool. You get back from the pool, you shower with all your shampoo and conditioner, and then it's time to go to dinner. Do you really feel like drying and straightening and curling your hair? Most likely not. I'm going to share with you some quick, easy, adorable styles that you can do without having to blow dry your hair on vacation.
One thing you must have is a detangler leaven conditioner. You should put it in before you go to the pool before you go swimming and when you get home from the pool, at least rinse off and get the chlorine or salt water out of your hair. You can then spray it with a bunch of the leave-in detangler, brush it out, pull it back into a pony, and put a cute clip around your ponytail. If you don't have time to wash it, then you can still spray some leave-in, give it a little scrunch, brush out some of the knots and twist and put it in a clip, pull down some pieces from the front, and have a little beach vibe.
Another quick, easy one is always a braid. Again, you can do this before the beach or swimming or after again super simple. Depending on the length of your hair, you can also do a messy bun, and kind of pull out some pieces, you can also use the detangler spray to reduce some of the frizziness after you style it and just work through a few minor details. One of my favorites is after the shower, flip your head upside down and scrunch it. After you brush it, you can then get ready to let it air dry, and then you can just pull half of it back with a clip you could leave it down. This works excellent for humid days when your hair is more likely to curl.

If you plan on drying and straightening or curling your hair, make sure that you have an excellent anti-humidity product that you're gonna use. Tip: call ahead to your vacation place and check on the amenities. Do they have a blow dryer available? Because why pack yours if there's gonna be one there already. Overall going on vacation should be low maintenance and easy. You do not need to blow-dry and straighten your hair every day and every time you go in the pool. You'll be much happier and free feeling if you just go natural, spruce up your makeup, and pull back your hair; looking great with a nice little tan.